Friday, June 30, 2006

this was interesting...

While setting up my bookmarks, I was looking for a really cool site I found about a year and a half ago. I was googling memetics (which had 619,000 entries on something I'm willing to wager had only a few hundred entries five years ago) well I found the site, it's: fUSION, but in the process of finding the website, I noticed 1st, how many more sites there are about memetics; 2nd, how many of the sites I already visit have sections on memetics; and 3rd, how peculiar it is that the study of memetics has now become a meme all it's own.

One of the sites I found during the above google search, was already in my bookmarks...not entirely strange in and of itself, but I had a friend send it to me for a great article on nano technology. I had yet to have the time to read anything on the site, but you can bet I'll be reading it now! I was amazed to find this entire archive on memetics. Check it out! Nanotechnology - Foresight Institute.