Monday, July 03, 2006

4th of July and Patriotism...


I love this country and everything it stands for. Our freedoms and unlimited potential make Americans what we are.

America makes mistakes because people make mistakes. America isn't perfect because people aren't perfect. We still have the best system and the most representative system there is without going to a complete democracy - which could come with more technology and interpersonal connectivity.

I appreciate the ability for me to take part in the political process. I appreciate the ability to share my opinion with others and to gather others with a like mind to me to form a political unit. I respect the military who defends my rights and who fights and dies to give those same rights to others.

There is actually a sampling of people from the left who are not proud to be an American. They justify calling soldiers baby killers with sayings like "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism!" Likely, they will attribute the quote to Jefferson and truly feel patriotic. Well you can tell 'em "Jefferson never said it!" Hat tip to Volokhfor finding this gem from the Jefferson Library:
"There are a number of quotes that we do not find in Thomas Jefferson's correspondence or other writings; in such cases, Jefferson should not be cited as the source. Among the most common of these spurious Jefferson quotes are: 'Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.' "

Now I know any left leaning person with good intentions and some paving stones will bring up the attrocities that have occurred in Iraq. Just like them, I cringe every time there is a news story like Abu Grahib or Haditha. I cringe, not only because I hate to see a victim victimized by someone with power over them, I cringe also because I know that whatever happened it will be spun out of control and make the military look like it's rife with criminal behavior. Unlike many on the left who point and scream "See! See! I told you this would happen!!! We need to pull the troops out NOW!" - I would take the more thoughtful, more nuanced (if I can steal a term form across the aisle) approach and say there are bad apples in every sampling of humanity. So long as the military follows the law and does as it should: Punish criminals found guilty of crimes; Establish that the problem isn't systemic; and continue with the regularly scheduled program; Í'll continue to be happy with their overall performance.

We all enjoy freedom of religion (not freedom from religion). I don't have to be afraid to congregate in church or with others to share my religion. If we lived in the Middle East, we would be rounded up for being any religion other than Islam. Sharia law prohibits any religious display other than the particular sect of Islam practiced locally and approved by the local Imams. Granted, some sects of Islam are similar in this respect to our own secularists and Atheists who are offended and would like to see a banning of all public displays of religious nature...I personally think religion should be discussed everywhere. All forms of religion and philosophy should be rigorously discussed and debated in school and in the world in general. Human nature is more apt to be tamed when presented with philosophical critically thinking mind.

I Appreciate the fact that I can start in America with nothing and through plenty of hard work, I can be whatever I desire. The only limiting factor on my growth is my own desire and work ethic. The only excuse for me not succeding is I didn't try hard enough or smart enough or I didn't learn from my mistakes. When this happens, I pick myself up and try again...smarter.

I understand the Military Industrial Complex and support it. Because of it, we have the internet, Robots, Virtual Reality, night vision, fiber optics, innoculations, CD's, DVD's - toys, gadgets, and advanced human potential...more stuff has been researched and developed by the military or through military funding than any other organization can ever claim credit for. Our incredibly high standard of living is directly attributable to our military. The military and the technology behind it allows for the civilian population to feel safe. When we feel safe and secure, we can focus on leisure, home improvement, career, personal education and religion. Each activity feeds the machine we live within allowing society and civilization to continue to grow and advance whilst Entropy is held at bay.


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