Lt. Dan you got new legs...
Here's a something for me to spout off about...
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, CellThera collaborate on work aimed at regenerating limbs. The project, which will use the salamander as a model, is part of a multi-institution research effort funded by a one-year, $3.9 million award from Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Worcester, Mass. – June 30, 2006 – Worcester Polytechnic Institute today announced that it has signed an agreement with CellThera Inc., a Worcester-based biotechnology start-up firm, to conduct joint research aimed at developing techniques for restoring tissue--including digits and limbs--damaged or lost due to traumatic injury.
At least the military has recognized their obligation to helping soldiers who have lost limbs in the line of duty! The Iraq war (as well as any other military conflict) creates a huge demand for prosthetics and it has and will force thousands of soldiers to retire or be discharged early with missing limbs. If losing a limb is temporary, a soldier's value to the military as an asset has just been increased as the soldier's military knowledge and experience won't be lost to a very common casualty discharge...and Lu-ten-ant Dan will get new legs.
Check out SoldiersAngels if you're looking for a place to help wounded soldiers today...
DARPA may be a great sinister organization in video games like the Metal Gear series; and conspiracy theorists love to pick on DARPA, but they have a long track record of technological breakthroughs that can be directly attributed to them. The technology passed on to the private sector has made our lives better and will continue to do so in the future...they may be getting it from the aliens, but I just hope they keep it coming!
From night vision to the internet, DARPA is continually developing new technology for the military to use. While they're testing it, invariably, some genius realizes how cool VR goggles would be if we used them to play video games...with our friends on Germany...while we drive the tank." a quick google search and Voila: the private sector gets a new toy and we all get to benefit from the technology! Fresh meat for the economy and a new toy for Mom's and wives to buy...
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