Friday, June 22, 2007

Trent Lott...You make my blood boil!

I can't take it anymore. I have to write another letter for another Senator to ignore...

Senator Lott,

After studying the bill and listening and reading all the analysis I could, I have come to the conclusion along with 70% of the US population that this Bill you're working so fervently to pass is the worst possible thing you could do to your country.

Here's one unintended consequences if this bill passes: Heritage foundation estimates this bill will cost 2.6 trillion dollars to the taxpayers over the lifetime of the 12 million illegal immigrants currently here.

2.6 Trillion dollars is far too much money for us to have to shell out for something we don’t want. Perhaps your goal in trying to ram this through is: The greater need for social services will in turn lead to bigger government and a greater role for government…are you looking for job security? You certainly won’t have it if this passes.

Another consequence: By arbitrarily granting a legal citizenship status to the 12 - 20 million people this bill accounts for you will immediately instill the belief in that entire group of people that they are entitled to live in the USA. This action will damn a very large portion of this group to live in society expecting the government to provide for them as they are entitled to their portion of the American Dream. Wherever large groups of z-citizens settle, I will expect to see another Katrina nightmare.

If growing the government; importing a working poor, and instilling our newly legalized z-citizens with an instantaneous sense of entitlement is what you're working for, then you should immediately step down as the minority whip and consider resigning from the senate for betraying the people who elected you. I defended the gaffe you committed at Strom Thurmond's birthday party, and felt it was wrong that you were forced to step down then, however this abomination that you are working to pass is against every conservative principle your constituents hold dear.

Mr. Lott, Please put this bill down…



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