Musings, W.A.G.’s and Pontifications on Iran
Maybe once Terrorism starts to mess with the American Idol schedule, Americans will sit up and take notice of the global conflict raging throughout the world...I think we have a few years before that happens, but I do believe the day will come when there’s an open war of epic – or biblical proportions.
The Jihadists are still in their lulling, quasi-hidden agenda phase...countries like Iran still have a little plausible deniability while Americans and the rest of the world think there is a schism between hardliner and moderate mullahs. The Mullahs and Ahmadinejad’s government can obfuscate their intentions and their hegemonic ambitions by playing up the different factions within their government and population. ‘Reforms’ come through when their backs are up against a wall and they need a show of good faith. Our PC culture and moral equivocators want to believe the best about a foreign nation’s intentions, and so they buy into Iranian rhetoric (propaganda) developed with the sole intention of fooling Peace-at-any-cost-Liberals and war-sick Americans.
The Democrat leadership and the complicit press choose only to acknowledge the cynicism and factious infighting in the Iranian power circles and offer vague platitudes and lame justifications in response to the Muslim cries of “Death to America!” Most of America finds it easier to deny the single-minded fanaticism of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the power he wields preaching the 12th Imam prophesy. Regardless of his sanity, he represents the most sophisticated military nation in the Middle East with the largest armies of conventional and terrorist forces.
His travels and travails throughout Asia were designed to attack Democratic societies in general and America specifically. He was also spreading his 12th Imam brand of radicalism at universities, mosques and public forums. His charisma is recruiting fanatics and inspires devastating attacks in the wake of his passing. We’re fighting an ideological war at the same time as a shooting war. Our conflict is global and our enemies can be doctors, lawyers, or paupers. Their only similarity is their belief in Jihad and the belief in their own ideological superiority and divine sanction. We can’t win this ideological war with negotiation. We can’t defeat their ideology or their culture with our own when they view ours as demonically inspired. If we want to defeat the scourge of Islamic Fascism, we must have the stomach for a long drawn out fight – a global war of attrition.
We aren’t engaging or willing to engage Iran directly, but Iran is arming, and training Iraqi militia in Iranian terrorist camps and then sending them back to Iraq to reinforce the terrorists fighting us. They are directly leading attacks against our allies in Iraq as well as our own forces there. For example, Remember the kidnapped Brits?
Here is the story about Iraqi militia groups training in Iran.
According to U.S. spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell, Iran is actively engaged in training insurgents:
"They do receive training on how to assemble and employ EFPs," Caldwell said, adding that fighters also were taught how to carry out attacks that use explosives followed by assaults with rocket-propelled grenades and small arms.
Further, Caldwell acknowledges the Iranians are giving the insurgents weapons to kill our troops:
"We know that they are being in fact manufactured and smuggled into this country, and we know that training does go on in Iran for people to learn how to assemble them and how to employ them. We know that training has gone on as recently as this past month from detainees' debriefs,"
Here is the story about the Iranian led kidnapping mission.
When I originally heard this story reported I only recall hearing this:
General Petraeus said that Britain and the US had suffered at the hands of the group he blamed for abducting the British hostages. He identified it as a secret cell of al-Mahdi Army, a Shia Muslim militia loyal to the firebrand cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.
I don’t recall the original story I saw about this including this part of Petraeus’ analysis (emphasis mine):
“We think that it is the same network that killed our soldiers in Karbala in an operation back in January,” he said. “We killed the head of that network less than a week before the operation that detained those British civilians. It was already planned and carried out by his followers. It is a secret cell of Jaish al-Mahdi [al-Mahdi Army] not all of which are under control of Moqtada al-Sadr.”
Of the cell responsible for the kidnap, he said: “They are not rank-and-file Jaish al-Mahdi. They are trained in Iran, equipped with Iranian [weapons], and advised by Iran.
Here’s a summation by the NYT (emphasis mine):
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 — A senior American intelligence official said Monday that the Iranian-backed group Hezbollah had been training members of the Mahdi Army, the Iraqi Shiite militia led by Moktada al-Sadr.
The official said that 1,000 to 2,000 fighters from the Mahdi Army and other Shiite militias had been trained by Hezbollah in Lebanon. A small number of Hezbollah operatives have also visited Iraq to help with training, the official said. Iran has facilitated the link between Hezbollah and the Shiite militias in Iraq, the official said. Syrian officials have also cooperated, though there is debate about whether it has the blessing of the senior leaders in Syria.
This cabalistic triumvirate is fighting to ensure that we fail in Iraq. They are supplying munitions, training and sanctuary for terrorists. Their very involvement proves our case that the situation in Iraq is much more complex than a simple civil war being fought between two opposing, internal powers. The powers involved aren’t fighting a civil war for the sake of the Iraqis’ freedom; they’re fighting for the right to enslave people through a hideous ideology of misogyny and religious fascism enforced through fear. We are the only nation with the means to combat this global ideology and to confront the outbreaks of radical Jihad throughout the world. Our world view in America is diametrically opposed to the ideology that has produced the chaos in the Middle East and no amount of procrastination is going to make the problem go away or want to live in peace with us. If it’s not dealt with and continues to grow at its current rate, there will be no safe haven in the world.
This wave of the ancient struggle against radical Islam is still in its early stages. I don't think our Jihadist enemies have enough people in place here in the states or enough inertia worldwide to start their campaign against mainland USA. Their plan and path to victory has to include the game plan that has proven effective in defeating the US in the past. They will work to win their US campaign in the same way they are winning their Iraqi campaign – through our media. They only need to follow the model of Viet Nam and use our weaknesses (peace at any cost liberals, PC Junkies, sensationalist media, power-hungry / soap-box politicians, etc) to defeat us from within.
In order for any Jihadist plan to succeed in the US, they will need to saturate our media with daily attacks on our soil and create feelings of hopelessness and ineffectiveness in our responses. The PC types are currently fumbling all over themselves to kowtow to CAIR and assure the peaceful Muslim community that we don't blame them for the war their religion is waging on our way of life. Our government continues their policy of not profiling and doesn’t look too closely at the 'charitable' contributions by the Muslim community. We don’t know how many Jihadists we have in the US, but left to their own devices and given free reign in our country’s anonymous 12-20 million illegal alien residents you can be sure, provocateurs, agitators, propagandists and actual terrorists will fight in solitude diverting public scrutiny, manipulating public opinion, and breaking down the American Psyche. They will attack our culture with everything available to them whether they’re using bombs, or a PC message of moral equivocation. Nothing is sacred to them if it helps deliver the caliphate and destroys all opposition to Islamic assimilation.
If we don't wake up to the dangers posed by radical Islam, my only hope is that the American culture is too amorphous for them to assimilate and our psyche too slippery for fear to get a grip on our people...
"If we don't wake up to the dangers posed by radical Islam, my only hope is that the American culture is too amorphous for them to assimilate and our psyche too slippery for fear to get a grip on our people..."
Simulacre - we are awake to the dangers of posed by radical Islam. I don't think anyone has any illusions on that front. But I think that there is a general feeling that there is absolutely nothing radical Islam can do to overcome a society imbued with democracy and freedom. Radical Islam can only take root in societies that are not accustomed to freedom and democracy, and which don't want freedom and democracy. Democracy and freedom will prevail. But it will only prevail if it is maintained in the face of anti-democratic onslaughts. The more we approach an apocalyptic authoritarianism in our own politics, the more dangerous radical Islam becomes. We'll probably disagree on this, but I fear that the damage being done to our Democracy by the creeping authoritarianism, secrecy, and unaccountability of the Bush/Cheney Administration weakens us in the war of hearts and minds against radical Islam. But I have faith in the inexorable superiority of freedom and democracy to win this global struggle.
I know you’re shocked, but I disagree…
I don’t think we’re awake because I (a pretty informed individual) was shocked –SHOCKED- to hear doctors were responsible for the Glasgow and London attacks. Doctors living and taking advantage of everything a free and democratic society provides were willing to take their own lives in the hopes of slaughtering as many innocent citizens of the free, democratic society that had taken them in. They were religious, educated men; sworn to save lives; and were doing just that in order to procure the very materials to attack the country that made their employment and right to worship how they pleased possible.
Two main perversions of Islam are spreading and their coinciding movements are gaining inertia. Thanks to billions of dollars in oil revenue, the Saudis are able to inundate the Muslim world with Wahabism. They’re conservative, misogynistic, and will fight to restore the caliphate at all costs -lie, steal, cheat, murder -literally whatever it takes- is justified as long as the ‘will of Allah’ is done. The other variant is even worse in that our tax dollars in the form of aid are propping it up. Egypt has infused their brand of Islam with the Mein Kampf and has taken hating the Jews and all who support them to a whole new level. Using Nazi style propaganda, they have alienated and brainwashed an entire generation into blaming their every woe on the Jews and Americans. Both ideologies have enough similarities that they make easy allies in their jihad against the West –though they are still uncomfortable with one another. Their skill at propaganda and their ability to use our own media, against us make them formidable enemies who are incredibly savvy, able and willing to die for their cause.
We’re an easy target for them as we can be hit through our good intentions, moral relativity and naturally PC culture. They can exploit these qualities with our media and culturally hypersensitive organizations like the ACLU to manipulate public opinion and our political policy in their favor. CAIR does this so much it’s amazing they have any legitimacy left to the average American...Much less any credibility.
The spread of Islam by the sword has been plaguing Western Civilization for the past 1400 years. It won’t change until Islam is reformed and the Koran can be interpreted instead of taken in its literal form. Unfortunately for Western Civilization, the Koran directly forbids changes or interpretations and states that it is the literal truth and command of Allah and that has been incorporated into the Wahabi and the Nazi varieties…Anyway, I’m not holding my breath...I don’t think we’ll see the change or the end of this conflict in our lifetimes.
In the meantime, we do have to combat it. We have our own enclaves of Muslim communities who aren’t assimilating into our culture. They are small, and they haven’t managed to fully intimidate the majority into anything outright in the states, but if we don’t find ways to better assimilate our immigrants (from everywhere) then we’re going to be looking at the same problems as France, Spain, Australia, England, Denmark, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines etc.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to devolve into a society where I’m afraid to be an Agnostic or that you need to fear being a Christian…I don’t want our wives to wear a burkha just because it’s easier than dealing with stares, spitting and taunts. I don’t want to be walking my dog home from the park and see cars being set on fire up and down the block. I couldn’t deal with losing my contact to the world news, or watching my newspapers deliberately censor material in fear of reprisal. I don’t want to see my local news recapping the daily car bombs and homicide bombers. These are events in our future if the model of Europe holds true.
I don’t know what the solution to radical Islam is, but I know that we need to be talking about it…and we need to be talking very seriously about it. Our enemies as they’re represented in their respective thuggish regimes in Iran, Syria, and in their mosques throughout the entire Muslim world are committed to our destruction. Their path is clear and they have no doubt in their mind. They have been training and learning from birth what they are destined to do in life and all that remains is for them to step up and strike a blow for Allah. We have to match that kind of commitment to survive.
Very well said, simulacre. And I don't disagree with any of it. Maybe I am too idealistic or that I have too much faith in the superiority and strength of democracy; but I do not think that our democratic culture and our ingrained commitment to freedom will ever succumb to the reactionary path of the kind of radical Islam you outline. We might not be at the end of history just yet, but there is something truthful that rings in this notion of Francis Fukuyama. I see this Huntingtonian clash of civilizations taking place now as the great last gasp effort of reactionary Islam to confront a secular, free, and democratic world. Globalization is a fearful thing for insular, closed, unfree, and repressive societies. As long as we remain committed to the practice of freedom ourselves and don't compromise it in the face of a threat to our security, freedom will prevail.
You really should write more, simulacre. You are an extremely good and effective writer.
Thanks Huck! If I could get off of my addiction to RWN comment threads, I definitely would...maybe I should try to get banned too! Speaking of which, it should be interesting to see if John answers the regulars' questions about your banning...
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