NYT Releasing State Secrets...Again...
When it comes to undermining US national security for a story, nobody brokers secrets like the New York Times...
WASHINGTON — The United States military since 2004 has used broad, secret authority to carry out nearly a dozen previously undisclosed attacks against Al Qaeda and other militants in Syria, Pakistan and elsewhere, according to senior American officials.
To which I reply: GOOD!!!!! Followed up with: If the US hadn't been carrying out covert attacks against Al Qaeda, then our administration has been derelict in their duty to protect (preemptively) the US.
I haven't looked for the left's reaction to this story, but I'm sure I don't really need to...I'm quite certain there will be hand wringing, general condemnation, a reinvigorated impeachment movement, and a continued loathing for the methods and tactics necessary to fight terrorism that has kept us free from attack for seven years.
I can't wait until we hear Obama's response to this program and his spin...I can guarantee you that he's gritting his teeth -pissed- that this story even came out. I am 100% positive that he would have liked to continue this program and would have preferred for it to be kept on the Down Low...Now, he's going to have to find a scape-goat that can be properly crucified for his bases' consumption. My bet is on Gates once it becomes known that he agreed to the deal after taking over for Rumsfeld.
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